Introduction: Creating a Web Page Using Html

Points to Consider While Making Web Design

The first thing to do when starting a website is to create a new folder. We can give this folder any name we want. This folder will be the main folder of our site. All files and folders belonging to our site should be located in this main folder.

We should not use characters as below in the names of folders, pages and files on our site:

İ İ Ş Ş Ğ ğ Ü ü Ö ç ç

Also, spaces and special characters are not used in file and folder names.

HTML language consists of tags. Tags are written between the < and > characters. Each tag has an opening and a closing. In the closing tag, / is put before the tag name.

Example: <b>Software</b>

Each tag has a specific task and applies it to the content between its opening and closing.

In the example above, the b tag is used. This makes the text inside the tag bold.

Some tags are short closing. In these tags, the tag is terminated by putting / after the tag name in the opening tag. For example, the br tag used to move to the bottom line is used as <br/>.

Some tags have parameters. These parameters are specified in the opening part of the label. Parameters serve to change certain properties of that tag.

For example, we can change the background color of the page by using the bgcolor parameter in the body tag.

<body bgcolor="pink">

After the parameter name, an equal (=) is put and its value is written in quotation marks.

Creating a New HTML Document

Many programs can be used to create html documents. We can use simple text editors such as notepad, as well as powerful editors such as Dreamweaver and Visual Studio.

To create html document using notepad:

  • Open a new file.
  • Command Save As
  • Type the filename with the .html extension (example: test.html)
  • Select Utf-8 from the Encoding section
  • Click the Save button.

Don't forget to save the page at the beginning and give the save command from time to time while working. The shortcut for the save command is Ctrl+S.

To test the page you saved, you must open it in a web browser. Open the page in both Notepad and browser to test it with frequent changes. When you save the changes in Notepad, you can see the final version by pressing the refresh button in the browser. So you don't need to close and reopen the page in the browser after each change.

Creating a new web page using html, creating an html page, creating a new html file, html login, things to do to create a web page


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